My Story

My name is James Pervis and I have lived in the Pacific Northwest for almost 10 years. I am originally from a very small town in northern Minnesota, and found myself in Washington during my last few months in the Navy.

I knew as soon as I got here that this would one day be my home, and while it took a few years and some life events to get back I was able to move back with my growing family. I have been a life long explorer, and always dreamed of new and exciting places which led me first to the Navy, and then to flight school. While being a pilot didn’t end up being my final career, I realized that I wanted and needed to continue to travel and explore.

It is my hope that through my website you are able to experience some of my travels and possibly find your own inspiration to get out and explore. This site is one of my new adventures, and so as I continue to grow as a person and a photographer I look forward to sharing that growth and adventure with you!

Areas Of Focus / Expansion:

  • Landscape Photography

  • Offroad Photography

  • City / Architecture

Like To Collaborate?

Interested in working together? Please reach out by providing some basic information, and I will get in touch with you within three business days.